Monday, September 28, 2015

Separated but Dating: Is this a good idea?

Think about this for a moment: You are unraveling one relationship, but you also desire to begin another one. Would you consider this a smart move? Given your emotional state, legal status, and the claim that your legal spouse still has on you, while you are attempting to start another relationship?  Not to mention if you have children...

If you are dating, and the other person is not married, are they thinking of this: 

To put it in perspective from a singleton's point of view: Is it fair to your spouse that you are divorcing, but still married to, or to the person you are dating, but can't marry, to begin a relationship with someone outside your marriage while you are going through a divorce? 

How would you feel if your daughter were going through a divorce and her husband already had the next one lined up?  Would you encourage a friend to see someone else while they are still married?

Well, to put a legal spin on it: there are currently seven states that still recognize legal action against the third party that is thought to be the failure of the marriage- regardless of whether they are in fact the reason.  Hawaii, North Carolina, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota and Utah still have this civil law on the books and allow lawsuits for it, called "Alienation of Affection."

Simply put, if a woman is dating a married man, she could get sued, or vice versa.  Would you really want to put someone through that?  

The dating website I am on, I see a lot of separated men, and usually with children.  

Here's my perspective on the whole separating but dating idea: Don't do it.  Don't put yourself at risk, don't put your dating partner at risk, don't put your kids at risk.  What if something goes south? What if it shows up in the divorce litigation? What if your spouse sues your dating partner?  There are just so many things that can go wrong with this path.

Get divorced, then date.  It makes the lines of your life so much clearer, and you can make your intentions to your dating partner much clearer that way.  Don't keep a single woman dangling because your divorce isn't finished.  

Would I date a separated man? No.  I don't want to get sued.  I don't want to confuse children, if there are any present.  I don't want the spouse involved in my dating life.  I don't want my name showing up in his divorce surveillance, etc.  And I sure don't want to get stalked by an angry wife.
I want to marry someone who is free to marry, not waiting for a completion of the divorce (which in North Carolina can take a few years, based on the official date of separation, etc).  I don't want to be involved with someone who asks me to wait until he is done with his first wife.  

Not to mention, it's not Biblical.  God doesn't say that a separated man is a free man to date and all that jazz. He says that a man should give his wife a bill or certificate of divorce.  In other words, just finish your task at hand.  Then go out and seek another partner.  

Guys and ladies that are dating but not finished with your divorce: Consider what your motives are for dating right now, and ask yourself if it's fair to your dating partner?  

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