Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Waiting Room of Life: How most people view singles

Ever have people say "you're in the waiting room of life," and that you are waiting to get married.  Ever feel like your life is on hold because of that?
Dumbest Words EVER!
Why is it that marriage completes you and makes you acceptable to society? Yes, I am in a relationship now, but I've been "independent" most of my adult life.  I have not had long term relationships because I see through a man the minute he makes a misstep in the relationship. 
Independence is a great thing.  It is NOT a waiting room.  The period of Independence you experience while single is a great thing: you get to go to bed when you want, you get to discover new beers, new hobbies, travel, and discover who you really are beyond a rigorous schedule of family life.  Why on earth would you want to be tied down when you are just getting to learn about yourself, your likes and expanding your world.
I was talking with a 14 year old girl one day, and we got talking about boys and love and all that.  Guys are great, I said, but they are the end all, be all to life.  I told her that I recently had a break up and it was because he wouldn't let me be who I wanted to be.  She thought that was simply novel.  She never viewed life before as not needing a man, and that a man can't make you who you are.
What I've done while I was single was doing anything and everything I wanted to do, for the most part and within the financial realms available to me (ie: being a responsible adult and working within the budget).  So far I have traveled to 12 countries, learned a few things in about 5 languages, dated a few foreign guys (that was fun), became a foodie, honed my cooking skillz, got financially independent of my parents (nearly), stayed financially independent from all my boyfriends, paid for 3 cars in cash (rare thing in this day and age), finished college (3x), and have a great career- all while in that great "waiting room of life."  Man, some waiting room, right?
So, what are you waiting for?  Most people say you have to become the person you want to be in the marriage before you can find what you want in a marriage.  Become the person you want to be period, it doesn't matter if the man comes along or not.  Be yourself, be the person you want to be, and your life will take the course its supposed to, married or not.
Do I regret some of the things I did, yes, but what married person wouldn't say that same thing.
Don't ever let anyone put you in a box.  They envy your freedom and weigh you down by labeling you as "waiting." Sounds like they are the ones waiting for life to kick back up.
Join the crowd of "I am doing" rather than "I am waiting to do."

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