Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Guys: Have a little fashion sense, the girl is gonna look good, you should too.

This is probably the most common complaint I hear:  The girl made an effort, but the guy didn't.  Guys, would it kill you to wear clean jeans, non work clothes, take a bath???  Put a little effort into your clothes, you know she will.

This is no joke, the most common "bitch session" I hear from people.  The girl comes home from the date and she goes "Would it kill him to make an effort?  I wore heels, put a little make up on, and he wore a hoodie and work boots!" or something similar.

Guys, if you are going to a bar, a restaurant or something, the least you could do is take a shower and put clean clothes on.  But seriously, if it's a first or second date, you know she is going to make a bit of an effort in order to make a good impression.  You totally should make the same effort.  Do your hair, put on some clean clothes, wear some of your best shoes (not your church shoes), and some snazzy jeans and a nice shirt.  And maybe a little cologne (not a lot, but enough.  You don't need to bathe in the stuff). 

Ladies most assuredly will dress to the occasion by wearing something a little more than their work clothes, wearing heels possibly, a bit of make up (not too much), etc.  We always make an effort to make sure that our first impression matters.  Our greatest problem is usually the guys don't dress to the occasion, thus making it look like they didn't care, or worse that they are just humoring us or trying to get booty.

If you want to make a good first impression, make a little effort.  This also refers back to another post I made about the most hilarious comment I heard from a guy "I wish women weren't so detailed."  Trust us, we are, and we are watching what you do, what you wear and how you carry yourself.  If you want us to take you seriously, then take yourself seriously.

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