Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Modern Woman with a historical twist

Every woman feels the struggle between her traditional roles and modern life.  Men only compound that with what they understand about us. 

Our traditional roles have been what originally defined us: little girl, the hysterical female, the teeny-bopper, mother, wife, grandmother, nurse, secretary, stewardess, telephone operator (the Lily Tomlin reference), the cook (not the chef), girlfriend, grocery shopper, clothing shopper, launderess (the one that does the laundry),  the family's "Girl Friday," soccer mom, PTA mom and her PTA wagon, housekeeper, receptionist (both at home and work), and basically any other supporting role you can possibly imagine. 

We have supported men and our families for most of history.  We make sure that our house is clean, our men are presentable, and our family is well represented and fed. 

This is what most men are looking for in reference to "forever" and also assume that is our ultimate goal, or at least in my experience with dating so far. 

Well, here's the hard part- most women, who have passed the college age and are not married currently- have other things on our plates- our careers, friends, charity work, interests, hobbies, and other things outside the home that are also important to us.  Though we still take care of our household or at least a party for one, we maintain a sense of ourselves as well.  Which some men and the general public miscalculate.

In the process of becoming the modern woman, we stipulate that we can still do the traditional roles, but we also are regular individuals who still care to enjoy life if we don't have people to take care of, wash clothes for, burp, change diapers and all that jazz.  Because our lives don't include those things, either by choice or by waiting, we can include more things into our world. 

I may not have changed a diaper in quite a while, but I can certainly reasonably discuss French and British relations, International Relations, the dynamics between Queen Elizabeth I and her cousin Mary Steward and their successor, the travel tips I've learned over the years, making gingerbread houses with my nephew, and enjoying developing recipes rather than just following them.  And hanging out with children is always an option, but I get to give them back at the end of the day right now.  I can enhance myself while I have the time to do it. 

A woman merely learns to adapt to her environment and make a life out of what she wants to see. 

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