I'm all for attachment, I'm all for building a relationship, I'm all for enjoying the nicknames.
Just not before the first date.
It started with "Hi Baby" "Hi Mi Amor" etc. You get the idea. But as the conversations rolled on, I began to ask "Please call me by my name, which is _______." Some got with the program, and others did one of two things, either kept calling me the chosen nickname to make it easier for them, or kept calling me the nickname that they liked for me, regardless of my request.
Is that disrespectful? To nickname someone you haven't even met yet? I get doing that at home when you are conversing with someone and you need an easy description for a general discussion (me and my roommate do this for people we discuss).
But when it comes to a guy you don't know, how does that make you feel? Does that make it okay that he's trying to encompass you in his world? Is that his real intention? Or does he not respect you enough to find out who you actually are?
The guy I have a date with tonight, got with the program, and he also insists I call him by his first name. Which totally works, and I like his first name- great book in the bible.
The other guy, I'm wary about. I don't like nicknames that aren't unique, and he already doesn't like it that I enjoy my work so much, or so I gather.
So, in your personal opinion, is it something to pay attention to? or is it something that's cute?
I just don't want to get scammed again, or worse called "Fat." My last long-term boyfriend, though typical in his culture, was severely offensive to me. He would call me "Gordis" (Fatty) because that's what his dad called his mom. I just got used to it, but I started fighting back shortly before I dumped him. (it was worth it).
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