Thursday, October 8, 2015

Grossed out: How long do you wait to pitch someone that grosses you out, friend or date?

How much is TOO MUCH for you?

How much is too much before you have to say "Adios" to the person?"  How far are you willing to go to help them become a delightful human being before you just have to turn and flee?

I've dated guys that have dressed bad, smelled bad, needed a hair cut, had holes in their favorite shirt, etc.  But it's all superficial, right? A little tweak and you're good to go.

I'm not one to ditch a guy for a simple flaw, but when ignored with constant advise, that's when I have to start evaluating things.  If I can fix it, and it stays fixed, no problems.

Even with friends and such, if the item I fixed or helped or advised with doesn't get taken seriously, I have to evaluate whether or not I can continue with the friendship.  That includes friendly advise, instructions on care of stuff, etc.

On the dating perspective, if I have told a guy at least 3 times to do something that fixes a minor flaw that I can't stand that's a sign that there's more battles to come.

I remember when I asked my last long-term boyfriend to get a pedicure if he wanted his feet rubbed.  He was told several (like 6 or more) times to get a pedicure, because there was NO WAY I was getting anywhere near those nasty feet with my hands.  Hands that make great meals and good massages.  Those were some seriously nasty feet, I kid you not.  I finally left the discussion alone, after several attempts to get him to a nail salon for a pedicure.  Then on the flip side, he made his choice to hear me tell him no when he asked for a foot rub. 
I still got foot rubs because my feet were nice, and he loved rubbing my feet. 
(we're no longer together for more reasons than that)

I have also had a fingernail issue with someone I know.  I rarely gripe about things, but when I do, I have a good reason to do it.  (I think my mother would disagree about my griping, but it is what it is).  I have had several friends tell me that if they are on a date, they do look at a guy's hands to see what their hygiene levels are.  This friend doesn't believe me, and actually got a nurse to agree with them.  (Let me say this, that nurse should be fired for improper hygiene.  I remember when a friend of mine when through the nursing program at college, there were some very strict stipulations for hands and hygiene, including no acrylic nails.  I can't imagine ever having a nurse that had filthy hands). 

Finger nails in public should not look like you have been in the manure all day, I don't care who you are.  If you are in an office all day, there is no need for your nails to look that way.  And if you are going on a potential mate hunt, you best be dressed to impress- including your damn nails.

I'm just saying.

If you want to look like a farm hand, go right ahead, but don't come anywhere near my kitchen with those hands.

Update: According to my mother, this particular person isn't interested in dropping the subject and applying good hygiene to their schedule.  So, I doubt I will be pursuing that friendship much longer.  It grosses me out too much.

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